Trail of the GNU – TSD Postponed for 2020

After unfortunately having to cancel the 2019 Trail of the Gnu (impassable roads and bad weather), and especially after finding new road options for this year, Kris and I were determined it would take an apocalypse to stop us this time.

…Well, here we are.

We won’t call it canceled. It’s postponed. I can’t tell you until when just yet, but that isn’t what’s important.

Rallies will be back, and it will be great, and I look forward to seeing you all at the next one. For now, take care of yourselves and your families, don’t worry about the world, it’s been through worse and will come out fine. Follow the protocols and get those machines fixed up and ready!

All the best,

Eric Grochowski & Kris Schofield, organizers of the Trail of the Gnu

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