Club Meetings and Events have resumed via Zoom

Update 2 … Until further notice we will be having the monthly club meetings via Zoom.  See the Faceook page or contact for the invite. Stay safe and lets all hope for the opportunity to host events in the near future.

Update … We have started having the monthly meeting at the clubhouse on the regularly schewduled first Thursday of the month, with Covid protocols of masks required and social distancing.

Please see the specific event pages for requirements.


April 13, 2020.  With the current Covid-19 pandemic and the government restrictions on all events and gatherings, we have had to cancel or postpone all events and meeting for the near future.

We will update here and social media when things are restarted.  Stay safe everyone – and get those race/rally cars finished!

  • Trail of the GNU TSD – Postponed until later in the year
  • Mudlark TSD – Postponed until later in the year
  • Rocky Mountain Rally – the 2020 Rocky Mountain Rally has been rescheduled to the November 6-7 weekend and will run from Cochrane Alberta, on the popular Kananaskis stages including Powderface Trail.

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