Monthly Meetings Moved to Tuesdays


At the January business meeting the members voted to change the business meeting from the first Thursday of the month to the first Tuesday of the month. This was done after feedback from members, to increase member participation, and to accommodate members in preparing to travel to motorsport events on the weekends.

The dates for the the business meetings going forward:
•   February 6, 2018, Tuesday
•   March 6, 2018, Tuesday
•   April 3, 2018, Tuesday
•   May 1, 2018, Tuesday
•   June 5, 2018, Tuesday
•   July 3, 2018, Tuesday
•   August 7, 2018, Tuesday
•   September 4, 2018, Tuesday
•   October 2, 2018 – AGM, Tuesday

We look forward to seeing you at the clubhouse.

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