CSCC 2015 Winter RallyCross “Ice Dice”

ice-cup-header-2Welcome to the 2015 Winter RallyCross “Ice Dice” presented by the Calgary Sports Car Club(CSCC). I hope you guys are looking forward to spinning some tires.
RallyCross is a recreational off-road solo2 event in which participants compete individually against the clock on a temporary pylon course setup on a gravel parking lot. The “Ice Dice” will be four event series taking place on snow covered frozen lake.

Series will be held at Ghost Lake, and this document provides a program overview of the CSCC 2015 Ice Dice Program.,12538.msg68129/topicseen.html#new

We are planning four event series, pre-season school with both classroom and on the ice session.
The details of the school and outline of the program will be released as soon as its finalized.

Jan 8th: Classroom lecture at CSCC Clubhouse located at 4215 – 80th Ave NE, Calgary
Jan 11: CSCC Winter Driving Academy at Ghost Lake

Jan 18: Event 1 Ghost Lake
Feb  1:  Event 2 Ghost Lake
Feb 15: Event 3 Ghost Lake
Mar  8: Event 4 Ghost Lake

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