January Club Meeting and Social

Hello fellow CSCC members!

With 2024, the Calgary Sports Car Club kicks off its 70th year. That’s seven decades of socializing and speed of all sorts.

This Thursday, January 4, at 7:30pm, we will be holding our first business meeting and social of the year. Come on out to the clubhouse (4215 – 80 Avenue NE) and have a say in how the next year pans out, plus get yourself the most inexpensive beer around ($3, I believe?).

The business part of our meetings is typically short, so hang out afterwards for some good fun a la 1954. Ok, I don’t know what that means, really … there will be no bobby socks or Perry Como … but we might pop some old hand-held movie footage from the club’s early days into the dvd player and marvel at the technique, technology, and design of days gone by. 🙂

See you there,
Jamie VP / Secretary

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