Club News for September

Hello everyone,

We have news! You’ll be pleased to hear that the Calgary Sports Car Club is coming out of a Covid-induced hibernation and there’s lots going on.

Firstly, you may be interested to know that the CSCC clubhouse is being assessed by Heritage Calgary for heritage status. We’re in phase two, in which the history of the club will be researched in order to learn what you already know, which is that the CSCC is an integral part of the history of the city, as well as racing activities in southern Alberta and the western provinces. Stay tuned to hear the results. Heritage status allows us to apply for grants which can help with things like exterior paint (badly needed), a wheelchair ramp, washroom upgrades, dry earth landscaping, etc.

Secondly, let’s talk social. The clubhouse used to buzz with activity at least once a week with meetings and socials of all sorts. Now it’s feeling a bit lonely … but not for long! We’ve been cleaning it like crazy and have got some good stuff planned for the next three months:

  • The CSCC elections of board members and directors is happening at our next business meeting on October 5 at 7:30pm at the clubhouse (4215 – 80 Ave. NE). If you have had a hankering to get involved and have a say in how, where, and when racing is done in southern Alberta, come on out and be a part of the board. Somewhat key is our need for a race director – without that person, there is no one to plan track events and we won’t have any. We’ll also be looking for a president, a secretary, an autoX director, a social director, and a Broken Spoke newsletter editor.
  • Following our lapping afternoon at RMM on October 14 (, we’re going to meet back at the clubhouse for snacks, drinks, and a slot-car tourney. Bring your slot car (or purchase one at PM Hobbycraft, who will give you a membership discount) and come out to kick some butt on the small track. Trash talk welcome. ????
  • We are planning a members reunion on the evening of November 2 following the regular business meeting (7:30pm at 4215 – 80 Avenue NE). If you have been a member for any length of time (including new, of course), come on out to this and meet some of the folks who have been there from the beginning … that’d be mid-1950’s. We’ll be playing vintage races on the large screen as well as pulling out the scrap books, old magazines, and racing artefacts of all sorts. Learn from the masters!
  • The first CSCC Christmas party in a few years is going to be happening in December. We’ll keep you well informed of the date and details as soon as those are sorted out.

We were gifted a tv and dvd player, so we’re good to go to watch movies and live events at the clubhouse. Stay tuned for dates for those!

And, lastly, does anyone remember The Broken Spoke? It was CSCC’s club newsletter for almost 50 years. Recently, I dug about 250 of them out of the dust and cobwebs, cleaned them up, scanned and digitized them, and sent off electronic copies to the Canadian Motorsports Historical Society to be put onto their website as a resource for all. They make for some good reading if you’re interested in the history of racing in Alberta. We haven’t had a new Broken Spoke in some years but hope to once again, if we can find that person or team who’d like to get an electronic version of it running again.

That’s the news! We’ll continue to update you so that you can stay informed and hopefully feel free to become more involved in your club.

Don’t hesitate to send questions, comments, anything, anytime.


Jamie Gray

VP/Secretary, Calgary Sports Car Club

Remember to ask for your CSCC membership discounts at Lordco, Napa, and PM Hobbycraft (slot cars, my friends!). You can cover the cost of your membership in one visit to any of these places.

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